Quick note on a book I just finished

I just finished Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan.  It’s an enjoyable read — one I picked up on Cory Doctorow’s recommendation (and was reminded of Doctorow’s own novels while reading it).  This book did a lot of things right including landing on an ending that was important enough yet real enough that the central mystery at the heart of the plot — retroactively — seemed even better.  Sloan is a bit less message-y than Doctorow has been in his more recent books.  There’s some good points in here about technology, society, literacy, craft, immortality and values but it’s almost never …

The Long Read

I picked up The Long Earth when it first came out, excited to see another novel from Terry Pratchett.  It has a great world-building concept; a series of parallel earths that can be reached by “stepping” from one world to the next.  And the stepping is triggered by an invention straight out of a typical Pratchett novel.  Unfortunately nothing after feels anything like Pratchett.  Which means the book must be a lot more Stephen Baxter than Terry Pratchett. (But I haven’t read Baxter so I don’t know if it’s all him or the sum of the two authors is just …

Yes, Thank You Cory Doctorow

Killing time, surfing Feedly feeds and saw this post from Willy-Bob Wheaton recalling a story about the time he sent his first draft of his a book he was working on Cory Doctorow to read and Cory gave him the honest truth: there’s a good tale in there but the writing ain’t so great.  Eventually Wheaton overcomes self-doubt generated by said tough love, and does the tough work of rewriting and rewriting until he gets his first book published.  Nice illustration of the first law of Ira Glass. Anyhow Wheaton linked to a site called  I Write Like which purports to analyze …

Farewell Iain Banks

Of all the great authors I read in the last decade or so, none seemed to possess the combination of utterly fantastic imagination and optimism in the future of humanity that Iain Banks put into his culture novels.  It was startlingly sad news to read his post about his terminal cancer only two months ago; it is less startling but still sad news to see stories of his passing today. A heartfelt post from author Charlie Stross (another favorite of mine) about the passing of Iain Banks. He had a rare career combining success in science fiction and more general …

Snap Snap Snap

My daughter’s English class spent a lot of time on poems this semester and her grade had a “poetry night” this week where every kid read one of the poems they had written.  It was fun — the kids, um, young adults, gave it a good shot and no one died on stage.  What can I say — I really liked my daughter’s poem.  I hadn’t read it before so I heard it for the first time when she read it that night. Supergirl Flying – a breeze floats by my face – I giggle Soaring – my cape gets …

Bookmark: Warren Ellis (Novels)

So yeah Warren Ellis has written a metric ton of comics, but only two prose novels: Crooked Little Vein and Gun Machine.  Crooked Little Vein was a blast of weirdness, weird subcultures and hypnotic conspiracy building that if you had the stomach for was your favorite book that year.  Gun Machine, relatively,  feels far more straightforward.  It’s still strapped to a framework of something deep and deeply weird, messing with history and detective stories in interesting ways.

Everything Is Internet Policy

Another great talk from Cory Doctorow on the nature of the Internet and its relationship to society. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWqx_1tDyqE?rel=0] You might also be interested in this recent interview between Tim Wu and Cory Doctorow hosted at Slate: [soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/90987701″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


I can’t figure out how to get Photoshop Elements 8 to scan in directly from my Epson V33 scanner. Weird! Manga Studio will scan in from it but this version of photoshop won’t.  Technology advances but it often leaves simple functions behind.  Weird… An idea for a story I noodled on earlier this year — a quick concept sketch I scanned in and started playing with in Manga Studio.  It’s probably the wrong title for the story which is about time travel, at least in a sense.  I’m not actually thinking of it as a comic but just a story. …