Quick think of a witty title!

I strongly suspect people are going to look back on the hey-day of blogging like a strange fad that they won’t be able to fathom.  As a form it’s shattered and reconfigured in so many ways — twitter; texts; social networking; medium and other community slash platform sites just to name what popped into my head right now. Oh and I’ve been busy.  I realize I’m talking to a relatively empty (okay completely) “room” but these Internet posts, they live forever don’t they? (Or until the hosts go bankrupt or the technology go obsolete  I suppose). So I got a …

What if the Star Wars Prequels Were Good

I love this guy’s videos on how you could have saved the Star Wars prequels: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgICnbC2-_Y?rel=0] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAbug3AhYmw] He hasn’t covered the third one yet but I’m looking forward to that.  Maybe it will even motivate me to see Part III.

My Favorite: Movies: 1980

I thought about tackling the 2000s after completing my run through the Nineties, but I realized how sharply my movie viewing has trailed off that decade.  Blame having kids and a job and the Internet I guess.  Anyhow I’m going to go backwards to the Eighties instead. 1980 is right in the middle of my childhood wheelhouse.  This is prime nostalgia territory folks, so beware! It is incredibly hard to separate how you experienced the movie from the movie itself.  Not everything from this year, I saw that year; anything R or even harder PG (this was the days before …