Opposite of Comic Con

Another year and another Comic Con International not attended.  Don’t get me wrong I would have fun going — it’s just the opposite coast from me and a major amount of money and time I can’t justify or even carve out of my schedule.  Mostly it’s the time; I might be able to convince Ms. X to go although it’s not really her thing, but the X girls are probably still too young for the whole thing.  Dunno, maybe next year. In the meantime I’m still really pleased with Comic Rocket. I’ve used it as an excuse to reread a …

Hobnobbin’ with Dresden Codak

I met Aaron Diaz at SPX way back when Dresden Codak was a relatively new webcomic, one that in my mind still looked heavily influenced by the dearly departed A Lesson Is Learned But the Damage Is Done.  I bought a poster of the Atheist Heaven and Religious Hell comic from Aaron – which hangs next to a poster of ALILBTDID comic. But in rereading it all I forgot how far into it he was before he started the Hob storyline.  Not that far in the grand scheme of things but far enough it seems like it wasn’t necessarily the direction …