Bonfire of the S’mores

For reasons I can’t completely fathom, life in quarantine has made work on this particular project hard.  I went a couple months unable to even think about any kind of art or comics.  Even when my interest returned it was hard to get into the mental place where this story lives.  I had to rethink the story in a couple of ways that are not really a big deal but enough to get me unstuck in making more.  (Just in time too – the buffer was just about to run out!)

Unfinished Projects

The rest of this strips this week are new ones I did in February of this year.  These strips made one of the original strips a little redundant but I included it below for the sake of completeness.

Captain Blue and Orange Fury

One of the things I’ve struggled with in this re-run of the comic is maintaining a tone that is a little more tethered to reality.  As the original run went on I increasingly did comics with random scenarios without much effort to tie everything together.  These Captain Blue and Orange Fury strips are kind of guilty of that!  But I really love these characters so I re-framed it as Scott’s imagining of their potential superhero team-up. In the original run, I did go back to these characters a couple more times  — I’ve included those below.